Ulu Watu, Bali Part II

Day 82Going to Ulu Watu for the second time (24/10/2015)

“Sometimes being a cunt is a good thing.” – Caleb’s wise words of the day

We got up and had breakfast at the hostel. Leila did the sunrise hike to Mount Batur so we waited for her to get back and then we went to Ulu Watu. Yes, we have been to Ulu Watu already but Leila hadn’t seen it yet and we liked it a lot, so it’s okay. I’m usually very much against going to a place more than once but now we’re just doing our two favorite places in Bali (Ubud and Ulu Watu) again. To get there we used Uber, which is a great transportation company. It’s much cheaper than going with a taxi. It almost sounded a bit too good to be true but it actually worked out great. We checked in at The Gong again because we liked it last time and because their rooms have three beds, which is perfect for us. First thing we did was getting breakfast burritos for lunch. Since we had them last time we were here, I couldn’t stop thinking about them.

Leila and I were both ready for a nap, so that’s what we did. Caleb made friends with some Australians and later we went to Blue Point Beach to see the sunset. Blue Point Beach is really one of the best places we’ve seen so far. We saw an amazing sunset and enjoyed talking, taking pictures and watching the surfers, the waves and the sunset.

Back home Leila went to bed and Caleb and I went for dinner across the street. The food was good but the service was pretty bad.

Day 83Nusa Dua (25/10/2015)

“Australians are crazy people.” – Caleb’s wise words of the day

As soon as we got up we were excited to have breakfast burritos. They were yummy as always. Our initial plan for today was to go to another one of the hidden paradises that we found online. Because Leila didn’t wanna get a scooter, we were planning on going with three Australian guys, so that she can go on the back on one of their scooters. Unfortunately the Australians drank too much last night, so that was not gonna happen. We were sitting around the pool and didn’t really know what to do. You have to get a scooter down here, otherwise you can’t get anywhere. At one point Leila decided to just stay around the hotel, so Caleb and I rented a scooter and went to Nusa Dua. We will do the hidden paradise beach tomorrow.

It didn’t even take an hour to get there and riding a scooter is really not a problem anymore by now. We feel pretty comfortable and it makes life so much easier. When we got there we were surprised how nice the area looks. It was kind of like a big park. The number one thing we wanted to see was part of a cliff, where the water splashes up on. We saw a picture online and we knew that we can’t leave Bali without seeing that. It was amazing. Again I have to say, it’s crazy how beautiful nature can be. After seeing that incredible spot, we just walked around. We found a beautiful tiny little beach. We were the only ones there and we were just enjoying ourselves. Nusa Dua is an amazing place and we’re so glad that we saw it. On the way back we got some vodka and fruit juices for the night and had a sandwich outside of the supermarket.

Back at the hotel we relaxed for a bit and then we went for dinner with Leila. Our bellies were ready for some alcohol. We made ourselves some drinks, had them at the pool and then we went to Single Fin at Blue Point Beach. Everyone was talking about the party at Single Fin, so we wanted to check it out. It was crazy. It was completely different than what I expected. First of all it wasn’t on the beach, it was kind of like above the beach and it was pretty much a club. Super loud music and packed with people. Honestly I wasn’t that excited about it. I had a bad headache that turned into a migraine and despite that I’m too old for that shit. As I said, my headache was getting worse and worse and I couldn’t take the madness anymore. Leila was so nice and offered to go home with me and that was the end of the party for us two. Caleb kept partying with the Australian guys.

Day 84Nyang Nyang Beach (26/10/2015)

“” – Caleb’s wise words of the day

I was waiting for so long to write this day down because I don’t know with what words I can do this day justice. It was a day that will be forever in my memory. One of the best days I’ve ever had. At one of the most amazing, if not The most amazing, spot on our wonderful planet. But let me start from the beginning.

We got up, had great Mexican breakfast at our place and sat around the pool with our group of people that all kind of got together last night. Today’s plan was the same as yesterday, we wanted to see the hidden beach (11 hidden beach paradise that Balinese would never tell you). But again two of the Australians were gone because they went to get money. We waited for them for a while and decided at one point to go without them. Because one of the Australian guys was at the hotel and he knew how to get there, we all followed him. We were a group of about nine people, so Leila could ride on someone’s bike. We stopped somewhere on a cliff to look down to Nyang Nyang Beach and what we saw was incredibly beautiful. That beach looked amazing. We took some pictures and Caleb and I couldn’t wait to get down there. Because it was a quite steep and long way with lots and lots of stairs, everyone else decided to go to Padang Padang Beach but for Caleb and me it was certain that we were going down there.

We went to get a water and than the hike started. Already walking down was amazing because from time to time we had a great view. Before we even got to the beach I probably almost took a hundred pictures. When we finally made it, the view was breathtaking. We walked along the beach and we found such a cool spot, where we could go into the water. It was almost like a swimming pool, a kind of tide pool with a rock bottom. It’s impossible to describe but as I said, I will never forget it. After cooling off for a while we kept going. We wanted to find the “famous” ship wreck. We walked through the most amazing nature. There were so many tide pools and we had to stop every two seconds to admire all the different scenes. After thousands of pictures we finally got to the ship wreck and it was pretty cool looking. We didn’t wanna leave but we had to make our way back because we didn’t have any food with us and we were low on water too. We told each other to not take pictures anymore and even put the cameras away but it didn’t take long until we took them back out. On the whole way back I couldn’t wait to go back in the water at that amazing spot we found. When we got there we didn’t wanna get out of the water ever again. We never wanted to leave this place ever again. We had such an amazing time at that beach. It was just us two and we were full of love, excitement, happiness and complete satisfaction. I really can’t describe the feeling but the beauty made me speechless. It was overwhelming and it almost made me cry. I don’t know if you’ve ever had that feeling before. I hope you have or you will in the future. It’s the feeling of pure happiness. It’s the feeling that probably everyone is looking for in their lives. It is definitely the feeling I was looking for and I’m so thankful that I could experience something like that. Moments like that don’t happen often in one life time, I think, but that’s okay because that’s what makes them so special. I only had a feeling like that another two time since we’re traveling and that was on the river cruise in Sukau, Malaysia and when we got “lost” in the mountains around Lovina. But this time the beauty of the nature was just out of this world amazing. As I said, we didn’t wanna leave but at one point it was time.

On the way back we stopped at a supermarket, where we got a box of Aga Red and some fruits and outside of the store we got some fried chicken at a food stand and ate time sitting on the ground. Back at the hotel we joined the group at the pool. We all went for dinner across the street and after that we had some drinks in the garden of the hotel.

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